AKE EKIM is a character that was born from an idea: "What would it be like if you always just told the truth without filtering it so as not to clash with people's egos?" I (Per Berglund) realized that if you did that you would quickly be thrown out of all the parties. BUT, if you did it as a character that you had created for entertainment purposes, then no one could question. After that, the character Åke Ensam has sort of lived his own life, always reacting passionately to the incurable stupidity of man.
RIDING ALONE was first created to question political idiocy and moral corruption, but has recently transitioned to represent A Course in Miracles. This was a stroke of luck according to him, because most of us "normal" people usually stand like fools and fools before the uncompromising truth of the Course. Åke can therefore continue to "scold" the ego, although now with Jesus' words behind him. Everyone is satisfied and happy and Åke thrives like a fish in water. The films are available at Youtube.
ÅKE ENSAM skapades först för att ifrågasätta politisk idioti och moralisk korruption, men har på senaste tiden övergått till att representera ÅKE EKIM och En kurs i mirakler. Detta var ett lyckokast enligt honom, för de flesta av oss “normala” människor står oftast som fån och dårar inför Kursens kompromisslösa sanning. Åke kan alltså fortsätta att “skälla” på egot, fast nu med Jesus ord i ryggen. Alla är nöjda och glada och Åke trivs som fisken i vattnet. Alla filmer om Åke EKIM finns på Youtube.

@akeensam7649 ‧ 75 prenumeranter ‧ 17 videor