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Per tackar

Gary Renard


Gary R Renard wrote an international bestseller called The Disappearance of the Universe. This book, which has served as a pathway into the Course for millions of people, was surprisingly very meaningful to me. Because I myself, completely alone and without external support, had studied the course for 22 years. But Arten and Pursah—Gary's master—said something essential that I will never forget, which was also a quote from the Course that I had chosen to overlook: "There is no world!" I thank Gary for this, and hope to meet him in the future. As a person, he seems to be just as chill about his own shortcomings as I am. I hope for a summer night with barbecue and meat and a pilsner in hand and a long nightly conversation about the Course. A situation Gary and I had loved. Maybe that day will come. I hope so.

What would you do if you were sitting quietly in your living room and a mysterious couple suddenly appeared out of nowhere to tell you that they were "ascended masters" who had come to reveal some shocking existential secrets and teach you the meaning of qualified forgiveness? miraculous power?

When two such teachers appeared at Gary Renard's, he chose to listen to them - and ask a lot of pointed questions. The result was this astonishing book: an incredible account of seventeen mind-boggling conversations. Taking place over the course of nearly a decade, they changed the author's life and gave the world an uncompromising introduction to a spiritual doctrine that would change the course of human history.

You can find The Disappearance of the Universe and Gary Renard's other books at:

Bokus or Adlibris

Kenneth Wapnick


Kenneth Wapnick  is a champion I love dearly. But I have also been somewhat afraid of him. There is a deep love between us, and I have great respect for his clear and educational mind. In my opinion, he is the greatest interpreter of the Course ever - a huge source of inspiration for me. However, he is so terribly uncompromising that I have been afraid of him at times. As soon as he opens his mouth, I know he will make me realize something deep and fundamental about the Course's thought system that will turn my entire ego on its head. I own five of his books, and I love his video lectures on Youtube. But I have always taken him in adequate doses. Most of the time he is too "hard core" even for an old punk like me. Nevertheless, as "dead" - since he left the world - he has visited me several times to support me in my teaching work, and we have had several in-depth conversations about the metaphysics of the Course. And to anyone studying A Course in Miracles I say without hesitation, "If God called Jesus, Jesus called Ken."

Kenneth wrote more than 30 books and produced over 225 audio and video recordings of his classes and lectures. Some works were written with his wife Gloria. He had a doctorate in clinical psychology from Adelphi University in New York, and during his years as a therapist he integrated the principles of the Course into his psychotherapy practice. The psychotherapeutic framework of the course was the subject of his presentations at conferences for psychotherapists, as well as articles in professional journals. He left earth for good in 2013, but even though he is no longer with us physically, he is with us through his timeless lectures at youtube


Pauline Turner


Pauline Turner was my first "guru" and I stuck to her and only her for several years. She was my great gateway to spirituality. Already at my second consultation with her, in 1991, as a spiritual novice, I brought four books with me and placed them in front of her. I trusted her knowledge and tremendous ability to show the way and asked her which of these books she thought I should stick to. Two were some sort of New Age books, and she dismissed them as only seventy percent true. When she got to Carlos Castaneda and A Course in Miracles, she told me to stick with them. At the sight of the Course she was moved and said that she hardly dared lay her hands on it because of the immense purity it radiated. She teaches not the Course but the eternal universal truth, and is a clear compass to follow. Without her, I definitely wouldn't be where I am today. She runs a school in England called International School of Awareness, and has written many books, as well as touring extensively as a speaker and leader of retreats and workshops. Her focus is helping people to happiness and harmony by making them feel their own spirit and understand the divine plan. A book that has meant a lot to me over the years is Ways of the Cosmos in which she explains the laws that govern all living things in this universe. If you get a hold of them, life is no longer incoherent and chaotic, but we can find meaning in what happens to us. We regain control over our lives and gain security and peace and confidence.

En bok som har betytt mycket för mig genom åren är Ways of the Cosmos i vilken hon förklarar de lagar som reglerar allt levande i detta universum. Om man får en kläm på dem så är inte livet osammanhängande och kaotiskt längre utan vi kan finna meningen med det som händer oss. Vi får tillbaka kontrollen över våra liv och vinner trygghet och lugn och tillförsikt.


Angelina tackar

Gary & Cindy Renard


Jag upptäckte Gary Renard's bok "Bortom Universum" av en "slump" och kände mig genast kallad att köpa den. När jag sedan läste Garys gäckande konversationer med Arten & Pursah väcktes min ande till liv och viskade: "Du är på rätt väg." 

Jag förstod att jag genast var tvungen att köpa "En kurs i mirakler", och när jag väl hade den i mina händer en månad senare förstod jag att jag äntligen hade hittat Hem. Detta var det min själ hade längtat efter i hela mitt liv: sann frihet. Tack Gary Renard för att du gick före och ledde vägen. 

Jag vill också tacka Cindy Renard, för hennes gärningar som en Guds lärare. Jag har alltid älskat par som undervisar tillsammans och Gary och Cindy utstrålar så mycket kärlek, och att de båda bara kompromisslöst följer Gud. Det tycker jag borde hyllas och jag hoppas på att få träffa dem båda en vacker dag i framtiden. Kanske jag får den turen någon gång.

Per Berglund


Per Berglund, min älskade man, räddade mitt liv år 2021 när vi möttes för första gången. Han räddade mig från allt jag ändå inte ville vara och från ett liv som jag trodde var över. Han skänkte mig viljan att leva igen och tron på att den sanna kärleken fanns på riktigt.

Nästa år, 2022, räddade han mitt liv igen från mitt livs största trauma genom att stanna kvar och tro på mig. Han övergav mig aldrig, trots alla motgångar vi mötte.

Idag räddar han mig varje dag med sin kärlek, en kärlek som jag inte trodde var möjlig att få uppleva. En kärlek som är bortom denna värld.

Tack älskade Per, för att du kom in i mitt liv när du gjorde. Jag älskar dig av hela mitt hjärta. Jag är dig evigt tacksam.

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